
Emergency Appeal – Hurricane Beryl

“ADRA must always stand ready to respond in a crisis, and wherever there is need, we must be ready to act—quickly, effectively, and with compassion.”
As it stands today, ADRA is actively responding to emergencies in 27 countries. Of these, ADRA-UK wants to call upon you, our supporters, to help us respond to the devastating hurricane Beryl disaster.

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Emergency Appeal – Gaza & Brazil

“ADRA must always stand ready to respond in a crisis, and wherever there is need, we must be ready to act—quickly, effectively, and with compassion.” Hélia Mateus, Interim-CEO

As it stands today, ADRA is actively responding to emergencies in 27 countries. Of these, there are two specifically that ADRA-UK want to call upon you, our supporters, to help us respond to: Gaza and Brazil.

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Celebrating 40 years of Justice, Compassion, and Love

“Our 40th anniversary is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our staff members and partners, who have worked relentlessly to provide healing and hope to people in need. ADRA has made significant progress in its four decades of existence, nevertheless, more work remains. As we commemorate this milestone, we also look forward to the future and the opportunities to continue making a remarkable difference in underprivileged communities,” says Michael Kruger, president of ADRA International.

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ADRA-UK Office News Roundup

The Bible speaks of the blessing of children. But in the 21st century they are plagued with challenges. In the developing world, many face food insecurity, lack clean water, and have limited access to basic education. The increase in conflict and natural disasters wreaks havoc on their childhood. While is Western societies, mental health challenges, social media addiction and pollution plague the lives of our children and young people.

Our children, worldwide, are precious and we should be our utmost to care for their physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

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ADRA CEO Launches Knowledge Forum

Bert Smit, ADRA-UK, CEO launched the Wednesday Sandwich Series Hour (WSSH pronounced ‘WISH) with local Watford, MP, Dean Russell as his first guest on Wednesday

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Cyclone Freddy

Cyclone Freddy, a record-breaking storm, has killed more than 250 people and displaced tens of thousands in Malawi and Mozambique causing widespread devastation across Africa.

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End of earthquake appeal

From Emergency to Rebuilding   ADRA-UK likely raised £100,000 to support the Turkey and Syria earthquake crisis that occurred nearly five weeks ago. Thanks to the

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Embracing Equity

#Embracing Equity ADRA-UK responds to International Women’s Day 2023 ‘When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous’ – Michelle Obama. One of

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Let’s ‘do good’ in 2023

by Pastor Eglan Brooks,Chair of the Board of ADRA-UK Advocacy, community engagement, church partnerships and development education support the two main arms of the agency.

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ADRA Continues to Save Lives

By the time most of you read this report, it will be 12 days since the Kahramanmaras earthquake affected the borders of south-eastern Turkey and

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Earthquake Response Update

On Monday 6 February, hours after an earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck south-eastern Turkey and Syria, followed by an aftershock of 7.5, ADRA-UK launched an

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ADRA Ambassadors

For nearly 110 years, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the British Isles has collected from door to door to help with the plight of the

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Sri Lanka Health Improvement

Addressing the Immediate and Medium-term Needs of the Rural & Estate Communities in Creating Environmental and Nutritional Development (AIM-RECCEND) The proposed action builds on the

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Dairy Development in Zambia

The project intends to increase smallholder farmer resilience, to shocks and stresses both economic and climatic, increase their farm income from dairy enterprises, with additional

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ADRA-UK does ‘Tour of Britain’

ADRA-UK held three focus days around the UK in October for Pastors, Agents to gain a greater understanding of ADRA’s global humanitarian work and to gain feedback.

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JOA Nepal

The Enhanced Rural AI (TERAI) project for Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Nepal The project aims to strengthen the resilience and improve incomes of smallholder farmers

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Hands of Hope

A humanitarian appeal of Seventh Day Adventist church/Inter-European Division, Trans-European Division and ADRA Europe for people affected by Ukraine Crisis.

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Ukraine War Appeal

As of Wednesday 2 March 2022, ADRA-UK has raised over £30,000 to respond and help refugees surging into in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia and Moldova.

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Take a Shot – Ghana

The TAS project aims to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections among 6,500 vulnerable women, men, and youth in the Greater Accra region by February

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Migrants Rights – Thailand

Building on the work that ADRA has done in support of vulnerable migrant workers in Thailand, through the  previous ECMA project. The CSO-DPMAR project will

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Girl Education South Sudan

Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) is an inclusive programme that will transform the lives of a generation of children in South Sudan – especially girls

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CASE2Learn – Myanmar

In Myanmar there is an urgent need to expand education services and improve the quality of education provision in rural areas. The rural urban divide

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ACCEND Sri Lanka

The Assisting Communities in Creating Environmental and Nutritional Development (ACCEND) Project was born as a response to the European Commission’s call to support integrated rural

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