

Your support means that urgent resources are ready, and often prepositioned, to reach areas in need as quickly as possible through ADRA’s global network and partners. Funds, materials, and personnel are coordinated through ADRA’s country offices nearest to the disaster so plans can be put into action immediately and appropriate relief supplies reach the areas hardest hit.


5,125,352 lives

In 2021, your generosity impacted 5,125,352 lives and supported more than 324 emergency response and preparedness projects around the world. 


Turkey & Syria

Support our work!

Emergencies happen when you least expect them. When they happen, those who are affected, can lose everything overnight; their loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods. Often emergencies hit those who are the most vulnerable - those who are living in extreme poverty. As an active partner in the ADRA International network ADRA-UK provides financial assistance in emergency situations.
Help us to be ready!

Horn of Africa

Major crisis!

The Horn of Africa is facing the worst drought after four consecutive failed rainy seasons. The drought has compounded the shocks from COVID-19, desert locust infestations, and global food and fuel prices resulting to high commodity prices, poor trade conditions, and high inflation continue to impact food insecurity in the region. ADRA is responding to help meet some of the needs.

emergency projects


Emergency Appeal – Hurricane Beryl

“ADRA must always stand ready to respond in a crisis, and wherever there is need, we must be ready to act—quickly, effectively, and with compassion.”
As it stands today, ADRA is actively responding to emergencies in 27 countries. Of these, ADRA-UK wants to call upon you, our supporters, to help us respond to the devastating hurricane Beryl disaster.

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Emergency Appeal – Gaza & Brazil

“ADRA must always stand ready to respond in a crisis, and wherever there is need, we must be ready to act—quickly, effectively, and with compassion.” Hélia Mateus, Interim-CEO

As it stands today, ADRA is actively responding to emergencies in 27 countries. Of these, there are two specifically that ADRA-UK want to call upon you, our supporters, to help us respond to: Gaza and Brazil.

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