S H A R E:

by Pastor Eglan Brooks,Chair of the Board of ADRA-UK

Advocacy, community engagement, church partnerships and development education support the two main arms of the agency.

As the Chair of ADRA-UK, I am very excited about the work that is done here by our small team of seven staff, four of whom work part-time. Currently, we have livelihood projects in Nepal and Zambia, and in South Sudan and Myanmar we are implementing education projects. COVID-19 response projects (health) are being conducted in Sri Lanka and Ghana, and we also implement a migrant rights project in Thailand.

It is only because of your consistent financial support that we can implement these projects and help some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Last year, the ADRA-UK board voted that, as an agency, we would no longer run a national door-to-door appeal as we did prior to the pandemic. While this may be disappointing for some of our members, it was a decision that was taken prayerfully and was based on the current fundraising climate.

We will, however, maintain our ADRA emphasis from 18 March to 1 April 2023, but would encourage you to support ADRA-UK for all 52 weeks of the year. Our fundraising target for 2023 is £300,000, and our team members are working with the Personal Ministries departments at the Conferences and Missions to re-introduce local church targets. We

invite you once again to DO GOOD in 2023.

To assist us in our new direction, ADRA-UK has also introduced an ADRA Ambassador initiative to raise the profile of ADRA’s work in our local churches and schools. Our first ambassadors will soon be officially appointed.

As you offer prayers in your churches, we would invite you to offer prayers for ADRA-UK’s
work. Every part of the organisation has its challenges,
but ADRA staff often work in extremely volatile situations in conflict-worn countries. While refugees in Ukraine flee the conflict in their territory, ADRA remains to support those suffering on the ground. When the monsoon rains flood parts of India, when the cameras leave but the devastation remains, ADRA’s emergency response teams are there.

Jesus said, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me – you did it to me’ (Matthew 25:40, MSG).

Let’s DO GOOD in 2023 with ADRA-UK, and fulfil the commission of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

This article was first published in ‘The Messenger’, 24 February 2023.