Over the past year, ADRA-UK, and the British Union Conference (BUC) have worked to support those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
ADRA-UK raised nearly £200,000 in less than two weeks to support those affected by this emergency. It is thanks to the consistent donations of the members of the British Union Conference that this was possible.
Presidential Visit
The then newly elected BUC President, Pastor Eglan Brooks, who is the Board Chair for ADRA-UK, together with Pastor Dan Serb, President of the Irish Mission travelled both to Romania and Ukraine.
Reflecting on their visit Dan said, ‘The Conference in Ukraine opened its campsite to receive refugees. They had 150 people at the campsite including students and families. The Union then asked them to take another 150 children aged between 3-18. They had over 312 people on site’.
Adventist Community Services
Responding swiftly to the Ukrainian crisis, ADRA-UK launched its appeal for donations and convened a national committee to respond to this humanitarian plight. The responsibility for leading the national committee is now the responsibility of Adventist Community Services. The team has developed operational and strategic plans to assist the transition of refugees from Ukraine to the UK. Their remit is to support churches and members in their outreach to the refugees and assist in the preparatory measures for welcoming them into their homes and communities.
Three key interventions to ensure Ukrainian Refugees are settled into UK life, with the specified leads for each area as follows:
- The Logic Model Theory of Change – Pastor Max McKenzie-Cook,
- Cities of Refugee Project – Dr Beatrice Kastrati
- 10 Point Integrative Model (Operational Framework) for Refugee Support – Sharon Platt-McDonald
The aim is to stabilise, acclimatise and integrate the refugees.
The 10 Point Integrative Model developed by Sharon Platt-McDonald, is being utilised to support hosts who have embraced the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme, and currently hosting refugees in their home. This Integrative model (see attached) has been shared across the Trans-European Division (TED).
Entities across the BUC have worked hard to accommodate the Ukrainian refugees. This has entailed several projects including donating to Ukraine (monetary as well as clothes, foods, and other daily necessities), assisting the costs of travel from Ukraine to the UK, matching Ukrainian SDA families and UK SDA families, utilising support services to assist them on their arrival amongst other interventions.
Regular reports are received on how these individuals are adapting to UK life, being included in our church services as well as attending our SDA Schools.
Both ADRA-UK (through its I AM Urban initiative) and Adventist Community have donated funds to assist with translation services and equipment, transport to enable refugees to attend local churches, funding for trauma related counselling, and money to undertake welcoming events for the refugees.
‘We are blessed in our territory to have both ADRA and Adventist Community Services,’ said ADRA-UK, CEO, Bert Smit. ‘Our focus is supporting the most vulnerable overseas and theirs, supporting vulnerable communities in the UK. Together, we can provide complementary assistance, consistent compassion and create an agency/church partnership as required’.