ADRA-UK has developed a climate change, biodiversity and conservation livelihoods framework to guide the integration of climate change mitigation and ecosystem and biodiversity protection across its programming, ensuring a nature-centric approach in line with its commitment to environmental stewardship.
help break the cycle of poverty
10% of the world lives on less than £1.25 a day. Some of the biggest tools to fight poverty come from the simplest solutions – training, loans, seeds, animals, and access to marketplaces. Helping people provide for themselves creates change that can be seen for generations. Women in particular experience the positive effects by being able to enter a marketplace previously closed to them and providing dependable income, self-reliance, and even safety, to them and their children.
3,636,291 lives
In 2021, your generosity impacted 3,636,291 lives and supported more than 239 livelihoods projects around the world.
The Enhanced Rural AI (TERAI) project for Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Nepal
The project aims to strengthen the resilience and improve incomes of smallholder farmers in Rupendehi and Kapilvastu districts, through the development of improved dairy production systems and linkages to the value chain. The project aims to increase the average income of targeted SHFs by 30% compared to the baseline, through production and marketing of dairy products. This increase in income will enhance beneficiary livelihoods, increase their resilience, and allow for additional expenditure on education and increases in savings, enabling them to better cope with the economic shocks.
Jersey Breed Focused Dairy Development in Zambia (JBFDDZ)
The project intends to increase smallholder farmer resilience, to shocks and stresses both economic and climatic, increase their farm income from dairy enterprises, with additional support to the enabling environment allowing farmers to be linked to both input and off take markets, contributing to a sustainable dairy system, to continue beyond the life of the project.
The project will directly target a total of 8,250 individuals, who include 8,100 smallholder farmers, 50 AI technicians/paravets, and 100 private / government stakeholders in Chongwe, Chibombo and Choma Districts of Zambia.